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Butterfly Gallery 2

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Mediterranean Skipper Butterfly

Gegenes nostrodamus, commonly known as the Dingy Swift, Light Pygmy Skipper, Mediterranean Skipper, is a butterfly belonging to the family Hesperiidae. It is found from the Mediterranean Sea, through Anatolia to Turkestan and India. The length of the forewings is 15–16 mm. Adults are on wing from May to October in multiple generations.The larvae feed on various grasses, including Gramineae, Aeluropus (in the Sinai desert) and Aerulopus and Panicum species.

Photos taken in Agar city, Wadi Ash-Shati, south Libya (27.529654, 14.159466) and in Garboli area, Tripoli- Libya (32.788046, 13.581372).

 Dark Grass Blue or African Grass Blue Butterfly

Dark Grass Blue or African Grass Blue Butterfly 

Several species such Zizeeria karsandra and  Zizeeria knysna is a small butterfly found in the Southern Mediterranean and in Africa. It belongs to the Lycaenids and   Riodinidae or Blues family, and the tribe Polyommatini. The wingspan is 18–23 mm for males and 21–26 mm for females. The butterfly flies nearly year round. The larvae feed on Medicago, Melilotus, Acanthyllis, 

Armeria delicatula, Polygonum equisetiforme,Tribulus terrestris and Oxalis. Photos taken in Agar city, Wadi Ash-Shati, south Libya (27.529654, 14.159466). 


The Small Copper Butterfly

Lycaena phlaeas, is a butterfly of the Lycaenids or gossamer-winged butterfly family.

The upperside forewings are a bright orange with a dark outside edge border and with eight or nine black spots. The hindwings are dark with an orange border. The caterpillars (larvae) are usually green, but some have a purple stripe down the middle of the back and along each side. It is widespread and common across Europe, Asia, and North America, and also found in North Africa south through to Ethiopia.Photos taken in Garboli area, Tripoli- Libya (32.788046, 13.581372).

The Orange Tip Butterfly

Anthocharis cardamines,  is a butterfly in the Pieridae family. So named because of the male's bright orange tips to his forewings. The males are a common sight in spring, flying along hedgerows and damp meadows in search of the more reclusive female which lacks the orange and is often mistaken for one of the other 'White' butterflies. The butterfly is found across North Africa and Europe, and eastwards into temperate Asia as far as Japan.  Photos taken in farm of University of Tripoli, Tripoli- Libya (32.847277, 13.223261).


The Mallow Skipper 

Carcharodus alceae, is a butterfly of the family Hesperiidae. It is found in southern and central Europe, northern Africa, and in central Asia. The butterfly prefers warm and stony areas to settle on. It gets its nectar from herbaceous plants. Mallow Skippers lay their eggs on different species of Mallow. The butterfly flies from April to October depending on the location. The larvae feed on Malva sylvestris and Althaea officinalis. Photos taken in farm of University of Tripoli, Tripoli- Libya (32.847277, 13.223261).



Butterfly Brown Argus 

Aricia agestis, the brown argus, is a butterfly in the family Lycaenidae. Unlike most other "blues", the Brown Argus has no blue scales on its upperside, both sexes being primarily brown in colour as its common name suggests, although the butterfly does exhibit a blue sheen when at certain angles to the light. Both sexes have beautiful orange spots on the upperside of both forewings and hindwings. Photos taken in farm of University of Tripoli, Tripoli- Libya (32.847277, 13.223261).



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