Welcome to my web site.
I am an academic staff member at the University of Tripoli, Tripoli- Libya. I have PhD from Glasgow University, Scotland, UK, in the field of medical microbiology. This web site is highlights my studies and activities, both an academic and artistic activities.
I hope that you enjoy surfing my humble web site, and for any queries please e-mail me. Thanks a lot.
The Workshop on Addressing Priorities for Health Security Systems Strengthening in Libya organized by the Ministry of Health, Oman and Georgetown University, USA. MORE
Workshop of Implementing Consolidated Ebola Virus Disease Preparedness Checklist in Libya, Zarzis City- Tunis. MORE
National Conference of Hospital Infection Control, Misrata- Libya
Lecture in the National Conference of Hospital Infection Control, Misrata- Libya MORE
Contribution to wildlife protection
My collection of Libyan butterflies and moths, which I photographed during my tours in Libyan different parts. MORE

Lecture in The National Blood Donation Day
Lecture titled "Candidemia" in the National Blood Donation Day in the Hall of Corantia Hotel, organized by Libyan Blood Donation Society and Department of Medical Laboratories, Ministry of Health, Thursday 30 March 2017, Tripoli- Libya. MORE
Lecture in Ref. Med. Lab.
As a part of Program for the development of medical laboratory personnel, by Ministry of Health MORE
NEW Restoration of the ancient mosque and the Sufi Lodges of the historical city of Agar, Fezzan, South west Libya. MORE.
A Silver Medal in the Western cities Karate Championship for junior 2014 MORE.
Dream Car Art Contest by Toyota Car Company in Tripoli MORE.
NEW Scientific Symposium on Environmental Risks on Health at Bab El Bahr Hotel Tripoli City, March 27, 2019, Tripoli- Libya
Prof. Altaher Altabet delivered a lecture entitled "Health and Environmental Impact of Medical Waste", accompanied by a visual presentation of the current situation of the management of medical waste in Libya. MORE
NEW Workshop on Medical and Pharmaceutical Waste in Shehat City, Jabal Al - Akhdar, March 3, 2019
In coordination with the General Authority for the Environment (Jebel al-Akhdar), a workshop was held entitled "Medical Waste and Pharmaceutical Waste: The Problem and the Treatment Strategy" MORE

Global Climate Change and its relation to pathogenic Microbes
Lecture titled "Global Climate Change and its relation to pathogenic Microbes" by Prof. Altaher Altabet as Keynote speakers in 2ed Libyan Conference on Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2nd LCMPS 2018). University of Tripoli Alahlia , Ganzour- Libya, 28 April 2018. MORE
Libyan Conference of Medical Sciences, Alhalia Tripoli University
"The sperm and the environment: Weakness and Deformations due to exposure to chemicals", Environmental lecture by Dr Altaher Altabet in the 1st Libyan Conference of Medical Sciences. MORE

The seventh meeting of Arabic Scout in Tripoli 2007
A scientific lecture given by Prof. Altaher Altabet entitled "sperm and environment: weakness and deformities due to exposure to chemicals" in the lecture hall in the forest of goodies west of the city of Tripoli on the occasion of the seventh meeting Scout Arab under the slogan of the role of scouts in the Arab environmental protection. 2/6/2007.

NEW Marine Pollution by Plastic Debris of Mediterranean Sea
The Scientific Symposium to prepare for the first Libyan National Conference on Marine Pollution and Groundwater. MORE
NEW The first National Conference on Marine & Groundwater Pollution 2018 MORE
Medical Waste Management in Musrata. MORE
Corporation with The Libyan Wildlife Trust MORE
Participation in the National Moth Week Global Citizen Science 2016. MORE
The Old Door of House No. 41 MORE.
The Cry of Doors MORE.
Our Old Door MORE.
NEW The Third Libyan National Day Of Blood Donation 2019
A scientific day On the occasion of the Third Libyan national day of blood donation was held on the Corinthia Hotel on Saturday 30 March 2019, under the supervision of the blood bank at Tripoli University Hospital in coordination with the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences at the Faculty of Medical Technology University of Tripoli, MORE
Training program
Biorisk Management Trainer Development Program (BRM-TDP) for Libyan Trainers, 24-28 July, 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, organized by Sandia National Laboratories, USA. MORE
Re - create web site
With the beginning of year 2016, in the first January, we have launched the new web site about the medical waste management, web site hosted and sponsored kindly by The Libyan Spider Network Company. It is replacement to the old web site for "Libyan Club of Medical Waste". Also, this web site is an awareness web site designed to improve of medical waste management in the healthcare facilities in terms of collection, transportation and disposal, also in addition to information on the environmental and health impacts of medical waste, and studies and researches in the field of medical waste management. This is web site the only Arabic web site dealing with such problem in all Arab speaking World. (www.medicalwaste.org.ly),
Lecture in Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Tripoli.
Lecture titled "Pharmaceutical Waste management" in the Hall of Faculty of Pharmacy, Tripoli University. MORE
Wining of Web site of The Libyan Club of medical waste in Saudi's Internet Guide Magazine. MORE
We & Camera in Picnic 2017, the Libyan photographers and their families met together . MORE

Prof. Altaher Altabet delivered an artistic and scientific lecture entitled "Close-up and Macro photography of insects" at the Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Tripoli University, Monday 20 November 2017.
A Scientific Trip to study Odonata MORE
The new project will be launched by Libyan Spider, a new web site about Libyan Insects MORE
Wining Flora Pictures in Photographic Groups. MORE
Wining Insect Pictures in Photographic Groups. MORE
Visiting Kuala Lumpur's Butterfly Park in Malaysia MORE.