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Sporadic pictures with my Colleagues in different events.

Picture with Prof. Fraj Almabruk and Prof. Ibrahim Algawil in MSc Exam. of Mr Ramadan Sati, Academic of Higher Studies, Benghazi.

Picture with Dr Abdull Hakim Alwaer, President of Libyan General Environmental Authority, Tripoli.

MSc Exam with Dr Abdull Hamid Alkout and Dr Omar Alhamr, Academic of Higher Studies,Tripoli.

Picture with my colleagues in Opening of Students Art Exhibition organized by Faculty of Fine Art, Tripoli University, Tripoli.

Picture with my colleagues in the event of World Blood Donor Day , Hall of Dat Alamad, Tripoli. 14 June 2012

Picture with my colleagues in the event of The Fourth Libyan Dental Congress. April 22- 24/2008, Musrata- Libya.

Picture with my colleagues in MSc Exam of Mr. Ayad Aboud in Faculty of Medical technology, Misurata, Libya.
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