Wining of Web site of The Libyan Club of medical waste 2005
In 2003, The Libyan Club of medical waste was founded by Dr Altaher Altabet, it is an environmental scientific club. The web site of the club in the Internet chosen as the best Arabic speaking web site during year 2005 by Internet Guide Magazine In Saudi Arabia Kingdom (Arabic Wide Distributed Magazine dealing with Internet issues). They wrote the following words as a description of the web site in Magazine:
"This is the official site of the Libyan Club for Medical Waste, which is one of the unique Arab sites that seek to promote the Arab Internet sites so that the Arab user has reliable sites to obtain information. The site specializes in medical waste, a very important issue, especially since dealing with medical waste remains a problem in many countries around the world, including developed countries. The site provides a lot of information and statistics, a site has been prepared very carefully because it depends heavily on scientific sources related in this area".

Internet Guide Magazine In Saudi Arabia Kingdom choose the Libyan Club web site as the best Arabic web site during 2005

Old web site of Libyan Club of Medical Waste