Scientific convoy on a tour of Libya 2009
Scientific team from Libyan National Center For Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control including Dr Altaher Altabet conduct several training courses in Southern cities and central of Libya through scientific convoy in October and November 2009.
Topic of Lectures :
Prevention Mother-to-Child transmission of the infections (especially HIV).
Global and local situation of AIDS, epidemiology of the disease especially in Africa.
Prevention of needle stick injury among health care workers.
Hospital Environment Health and medical waste management.
How to care for HIV patients, from psychiatric and socially point of views

Training course in Brack Alsh-shati City, Libya.
Training course organized by Libyan National Center For Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control for medical staff In Ben Gwad, East of Libya. Brack City 17 October 2009.

Training course in Sirt City, Libya.
Training course organized by Libyan National Center For Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control for medical staff In Ben Gwad, East of Libya. Sirt City 11 November 2009.

Training course in Tragan City, south of Libya.
Training course organized by Libyan National Center For Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control for medical staff In Ben Gwad, East of Libya. Tragan City 41 October 2009.

Training course in Samno City, south of Libya.
Training course organized by Libyan National Center For Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control for medical staff In Ben Gwad, East of Libya. Samno City 27 October 2009.

Training course in Sabha City, south of Libya.
Training course organized by Libyan National Center For Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control for medical staff In Ben Gwad, East of Libya. Sabha City 26 October 2009.

Training course in Obari City, Libya.
Training course organized by Libyan National Center For Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control for medical staff In Ben Gwad, East of Libya. Obari City 22 October 2009.

Training course in Murazk City, south of Libya.
Training course organized by Libyan National Center For Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control for medical staff In Ben Gwad, East of Libya. Murazk City 20 October 2009.

Training course in Ben Gwad, East of Libya.
Training course organized by Libyan National Center For Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control for medical staff In Ben Gwad, East of Libya. Bin Gwad city 11 November 2009.

Training course in Houn City, Libya.
Training course organized by Libyan National Center For Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control for medical staff In Ben Gwad, East of Libya. Houn City 10 November 2009.

Training course in Tawraga City, Libya.
Training course organized by Libyan National Center For Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control for medical staff In Ben Gwad, East of Libya. Tawraga City 12 November 2009.

Training course in Bargan City, south of Libya.
Training course organized by Libyan National Center For Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control for medical staff In Ben Gwad, East of Libya.Bargan City 18 October 2009.

Training course in Edari City, south of Libya.
Training course organized by Libyan National Center For Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control for medical staff In Ben Gwad, East of Libya. Edari City 19 October 2009.

Training course in Ghat City, south of Libya.
Training course organized by Libyan National Center For Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control for medical staff In Ben Gwad, East of Libya.. Ghat City 24 October 2009.