Contribution to the development of the curricula of the Medical Laboratory Department at the Higher Institute of Health for Girls in Al-Zahra City 1997-1998.
Contribution to the development of the curriculum of the Medical Laboratory Department at the Higher Institute of Health for Girls in the city of Qara Bully City 2000-2001.
Member of the Committee for the development of curriculum and internal regulations of the Faculty of Medical Technology / University of the Western Mountain in Nalut City 2005-2006.
Member of the Curriculum Committee and the internal regulations of the Faculty of Medical Technology / University of the Challenge in Hun in 2006.
Preparation of the syllabus for medical microbiology for students of the Faculty of Dentistry, Tripoli National University (Private University) 2008.
Preparation of the curriculum of hospital infection (Nosocomial Infection) in the Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Faculty of Medical Technology Tripoli University 2015-2016.
Member of a committee to develop the curriculum of the new Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences / Faculty of Medical Technology , University of Tripoli, Tripoli- Libya, 2014-2015.
Contributing to the number of internal regulations and curricula of the following Libyan colleges and higher institutes: