Several years ago, during my preparation of a new web site about the beauty of old Libyan doors, at that time, and I made several Photographing touring in the old Libyan cities to collect old doors pictures. I met with my friend the late Prof. Tuhami Taher Tarhuni, Professor of English Language and Preceding Dean of faculty of Art in University of Tripoli, I show him my photos collection. He was very impressed by the presence of old Libyan doors (Dirty and dumped on the ground) in some markets in the city of Qawasim Town near Gharyan City waiting to sell them to foreign tourists. He wrote these poems to me.
Having toured the old doors galleries in the beauty of such objects led me to walk in imagination and write :
Piles and piles of wood made doors
Heaped up on dusty floors .
Yellow, blue and dusky green
What a pretty hectic scene ?
Doors, the guards of all house halls
Stacked up in open Malls .
They sell what is dear so cheap
What a trade they fight to keep .
Strangers selling plates of art .
Who can close the dirty mart?
Art is but a lovely bride
She is fair to nurse and guide .
Curved doors, the living eyes,
Watched man to fall and rise .
They do share his weal and woes
While he lives and when he goes .
Fool to cast off cultural art
Else you are without a heart .
Prof . T. T . Tarhuni
Professor of English Literature,
University of Tripoli,
Tripoli, 15 April 2008