Environmental Studies and Papers concern Infection Control and Medical Waste Management presented at Scientific Meeting:
Altabet A. (2017). Medical Waste Management: Libyan recent situation" in the National Conference of Hospital Infection Control, Organized by Misrata Central Hospital in Almasa Hotel, Misrata 4-5 March 2017. Misrata- Libya
Altabet A. (2017). The sperm and the environment: Weakness and Deformations due to exposure to chemicals. Plenary Lecture in the 1st Libyan Conference of Medical Sciences organized by Alhalia Tripoli University, 4 May 2017.
Lecture by Dr Altaher Altabet titled "Pharmaceutical Waste management" in the Hall of Faculty of Pharmacy, Tripoli University, Tripoli- Libya, 29 September 2016, organized by Scientific Committee of Faculty of Pharmacy.
Altabet AI (2013). The status of medical waste management in Libya. Symposium of Environment in Libya: Reality and Prospects organized by the University of Tripoli under the auspices of the Libyan National Congress and the participation of the Environmental General Authority in the chemistry Department Theater, Tripoli University, 18-19 June 2013, Tripoli - Libya.
Altabet AI. (2009). Sea and Rivers Pollution by Pharmaceuticals. The second Gulf Conference & Exhibition on Environment & Sustainability, Environmental Impacts Assessment, Risk & Crisis Management, 16-19/ February 2009, Kuwait.
Altabet AI. (2008). Pharmaceutical Waste Management. Conference of Kuwait Waste Management. 7th – 9th April 2008, Kuwait.Altabet AI. (2008).
Medical and Chemical waste management in Dental clinics, The Fourth Libyan Dental Congress. April 22- 24/2008, Musrata- Libya.
Altabet AI. (2008). Needle sticks injury in Dental clinics, The Fourth Libyan Dental Congress. April 22- 24/2008, Musrata- Libya.
Altabet AI. (2007). Pharmaceutical Waste Management. The 6th National Pharmaceutical Conference, 7th October University, 2- 4 April 2007, Musrata- Libya.
Altabet AI. (2006). Sharp Medical Waste. Regional Conference of Medical Waste. Arab Engineers Alliance, 21- 23/3/2006, Amman- Jordan.
Altabet AI. (2005). Medical Waste in Libyan Haemodialysis Centers. Aljami Journal, 8: 64-77, University of Al-fateh, Tripoli- Libya.
Altabet AI. (2005). Clinical Laboratory Waste Management in Tripoli- Libya. The 1st Eastern Mediterranean Regional Infection Congress & The 14th Annual Conference of The Egyptian Society of Infection Control. 14- 17 November 2005, Cairo- Egypt.
Altabet AI. (2005). Hospital Liquid Waste and Wastewater. The 1st National Conference for Treatment Technologies of domestic and industrial wastewater. General Environmental Authority, 6- 8/6/2005, Benghazi- Libya.
Altabet AI. (2005). Veterinary Medical Waste Management. Symposium about Poultry Breeding and affects The Impropriety Breeding on Environmental Health, Libyan Environmental Friends Society, 27- 28/12/2005.
Altabet AI. (2005). Avian Influenza: Disposal of Dead Birds and Animals. Symposium about Poultry Breeding and affects The Impropriety Breeding on Environmental Health, Libyan Environmental Friends Society, 27- 28/12/2005.
Altabet AI. (2005). Environmental and Health Impacts of Medical Waste. Scientific Symposium of Pollution Prevention, The board of Delineation in Tripoli, 15- 17/10/2005.
Altabet AI. (2005). Liquid Medical Waste and Wastewater. Symposium of Health-Care Waste Management, Faculty of Medicine, 15/2/2005, Aleppo- Syria.
Altabet AI. (2005). Needle Stick Injury in Nurses and Cleaning women in Tripoli Hospitals. The 6th West Arabic Countries Conference of Safety and Occupational Health, 7- 9/3/2005, Tripoli- Libya.
Altabet AI. (2005). Medical Waste in Libya: Problem and Solution. The 1st Symposium of Nosocomial and Hospital Hygiene, Scientific Committee for Hospital Nosocomial Infection, The Libyan National Center For Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control, 26- 28/6/2005,Tripoli Medical Centre, Tripoli- Libya.
Altabet AI. (2005). Medical Waste Management. Symposium of Laboratories waste, Libyan Society of Bio-technology, 13/12/2005, Sorman City- Libya.
Altabet AI. (2005). Avian Influenza: Protection of Heath-Care Workers and Disposal of dead Bird. Symposium of Avian Influenza, Microbiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, 13/11/2005, Tripoli- Libya.
Altabet AI. (2004). Medical and Chemical Waste in Dental Clinics. The 3rd Arabic Conference of Environmental Administration: New Trends in Management of Environment Contamination Waste. Arab Administrative Development Organization, 23- 24/11/2004, Sharm Alshik- Egypt.
Ahmad Alhmrush and Altabet AI (2004). Chemical Medical Waste in Miusrata City. Symposium of Environmental Impacts of Chemical Waste in Arabic countries, 19- 20/4/2004, Tripoli- Libya.
Altabet AI. (2004). Chemotherapy waste. Symposium of Environmental Impacts of Chemical Waste in Arabic countries, 19- 20/4/2004, Tripoli- Libya.
Altabet AI. (2004). Dental Chemical waste. Symposium of Environmental Impacts of Chemical Waste in Arabic countries, 19- 20/4/2004, Tripoli- Libya.
Altabet AI. (2004). Medical waste management in Tripoli: Blood banks. The National Symposium of Blood Banks. Trauma Hospital, Tripoli- Libya.
Altabet AI. (2004). Medical Waste generated from Dental Offices. Conference of Environmental Science and Technology, Society of Environment Friends, 23- 25/11/2004, Tripoli- Libya.
Altabet AI. (2004). Chemical and Medical Waste of Dental Clinics. The 3rd Arabic Conference for Environmental Demonstration, Arabic Countries University, 23- 25/11/2004, Sharm Alshak, Egypt.
Altabet AI. (2003). Liquid Medical Waste and Wastewater. Symposium of Using Treated Wastewater. 8/6/2003, Tripoli- Libya.
Altabet AI. (2002). Medical wastes in Libyan Hospitals, Problem and Solution. Keynote lecture in International Symposium on Hospital Hygiene and Nosocomial Infection in Tripoli, Tripoli Medical Centre. between 28/9- 3/10/2002. Tripoli - Libya
Altabet AI. (2002). Hemodialysis units wastes. International Symposium on Hospital Hygiene and Nosocomial Infection in Tripoli, Tripoli Medical Centre. between 28/9- 3/10/2002. Tripoli - Libya